Covid-19 | Coronavirus

COVID-19 Data Map

Hover over countries to get the latest numbers, in terms of people affected with COVID-19 and much more.

Basic COVID-19 Protocols

The likelihood of the coronavirus entering our respiratory system through airborne droplets is claimed to be reduced by wearing a protective mask. People who live in densely populated regions are strongly advised to wear masks.

By limiting our contact with others, we can flatten the epidemic curve and restrict the spread of the virus, lowering the number of patients at the epidemic's peak.

One of the easiest methods to avoid getting sick and infecting your family is to wash your hands frequently. The spread of respiratory and diarrheal illnesses can be stopped by regularly washing your hands.

Getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is a safer and more dependable strategy to develop immunity than becoming ill with the disease.

Even if you do not feel thirsty, it's still essential to drink water and other clear liquids. You need to decrease your respiratory secretions and replenish the fluids your body has lost

Stay away from sick individuals, and if you are unwell and encounter COVID-19 symptoms, get tested as soon as you and quarantine yourself.

The likelihood of the coronavirus entering our respiratory system through airborne droplets is claimed to be reduced by wearing a protective mask. People who live in densely populated regions are strongly advised to wear masks.

By limiting our contact with others, we can flatten the epidemic curve and restrict the spread of the virus, lowering the number of patients at the epidemic's peak.

One of the easiest methods to avoid getting sick and infecting your family is to wash your hands frequently. The spread of respiratory and diarrheal illnesses can be stopped by regularly washing your hands.

Getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is a safer and more dependable strategy to develop immunity than becoming ill with the disease.

Even if you do not feel thirsty, it's still essential to drink water and other clear liquids. You need to decrease your respiratory secretions and replenish the fluids your body has lost

Stay away from sick individuals, and if you are unwell and encounter COVID-19 symptoms, get tested as soon as you and quarantine yourself.

Covid-19 Symptoms

Covid-19 Update 😷

The COVID-19 pandemic shocked the world. Even now, four years after the outbreak began, new variations continue to emerge frequently. Check us out to stay on top of the most recent COVID-19 trends and notifications.