In a tragic and intense encounter on July 15, four Indian Army soldiers, including a dedicated officer, lost their lives in the Doda district, Jammu and Kashmir. The clash erupted when terrorists ambushed a joint patrol of the Rashtriya Rifles and the Jammu and Kashmir Police’s Special Operations Group (SOG), leading to a fierce firefight.
This heartbreaking incident marks the 48th loss of Army personnel in the region over the past 32 months, reflecting the ongoing and grave security challenges in Jammu and Kashmir. The recent surge in terror activities has seen a shift in terrorist tactics, with attacks increasingly targeting the relatively peaceful Jammu region instead of the heavily fortified Kashmir.
The bravery and sacrifice of the soldiers serve as a stark reminder of the relentless efforts by security forces to ensure the safety and stability of the region. As the community mourns the loss of these courageous individuals, the government and security agencies remain vigilant and committed to combating the persistent threats posed by terrorism.
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